Bloomberg Terminal Mac Download


Bloomberg Terminal Shortcuts

We illustrate our experience using the Bloomberg terminal in an equity-focused analysis. Our goal is to enable users inexperienced with the terminal to do a proper analysis. We identify the most significant challenges we face and provide a useful bloomberg cheat sheet.

To download and install Bloomberg software for your PC, please visit and select “Bloomberg Terminal – New/Upgrade Installation”. Mac users: Bloomberg Anywhere login page. There’s the Mac, which famously debuted in January 1984. And then there’s the Bloomberg Terminal, which hit the market in December 1982.

Bloomberg Terminal + Bloomberg Terminal - New/Upgrade Installation: November 2020. Download the software (all files) needed to install and run the Bloomberg Professional service. Sep 25, 2016 While the Bloomberg is still called the 'Terminal', it has been running on standard Windows since at least 1994 (if not earlier). So as long as you have the right type of account (not the old shared types but a individual "Bloomberg Anywhere" one). Bloomberg the Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request. Access the Bloomberg Terminal wherever you are. Financial professionals need constant access to high-quality news, data and analytics. Bloomberg keeps you connected from virtually anywhere, from any type of device.

Business Summary
DES: DescriptionCompany’s Background Information
HH: Hoover’s HandbookCompany’s Background Information
FA: Financial AnalysisFiscal Year Revenues
Economic and Industry Trends
ECFC: Growth RatesReal GDP Growth
ECOW: Economic Data WatchCountry Specific Macro Info
BI: Bloomberg IndustriesIndustry Trends
CN: All NewsNews Search on Specific Stock
NSE: News SearchNews Search on Industry
DDM: Dividend Discount ModelCalculation of intrinsic value
DVD: Dividend/Split SummaryHistorical Dividends/Splits
BI: Bloomberg IndustriesIndustry Trends
FA CF: Cash Flow AnalysisEstimate of Free Cash Flow
BETA: Beta CalculationsEstimate Adjusted Beta
WACC: Weighted Av. Cost of CapitalObtain Risk-free Rate
Company Overview
CFCompany Filings
HHHoover’s Handbook
CRPRCredit Profile
MGHLManagement Holdings
OWNOwnership Summary
DVDDividend/Split Summary
RSKCCompany Risk
GPTRInsider Transactions
Company Analysis
BETABeta Calculations
FAFinancial Analysis
DDMDividend Discount Model
WACCWeighted Average Cost of Capital
Research & Estimate
ANRAnalyst Recommendations
EEEarnings Estimates
CNAll News/Research
SURPSurprise Analysis
Comparative Analysis
COMPComparative Total Returns
RVRelative Value
PCPeer Correlation
RVRRelative Value Ranking
Charting & Reporting
FGFundamentals Graph
HPPrice Table w/Avg Daily Volume
GIPIntraday Price Graph
IGPOIntraday Bar Graph
GPPrice Graph w/Volume
TECHTechnical Study Browser
GPOPrice Bar Graph w/ Moving Avg

Bloomberg Terminal Keyboard

Security Surveillance
BQBloomberg Quote
QRTrade Recap
EVTEvent Calendar
LITICompany Litigation Summary
Economic Analysis Functions
ECFCEconomic Forecasts
ECSTWorld Economic Statistics
ECOWorld Economic Calendar
FEDFederal Reserve Portal
ECOFEconomic Data Finder
FOMCFOMC Activities
ECOWEconomic Data Watch
Portfolio Construction
ALPMAlpha Menu
PBENPortfolio Benchmarks
PLSTPortfolio List
PDISPortfolio Distribution
PRTUCreating and Updating Portfolios
PTTPortfolio Trade Ticket
PFSTPortfolio Update
Ongoing Management
EVTSEvent Calendar
PDSPPortfolio Display
NPHPortfolio News and Research Headlines
PRTEquity Portfolio Real Time Monitor
Performance Reporting
PDVDPortfolio Dividend/Split Report
PSDPortfolio Slice and Dice
PREPPortfolio Distribution Reports
PVARPortfolio Value at Risk
PRPTCustom Report Writer
RPTRetrieve and Monitor Reports
Performance Evaluation
BBACBloomberg Portfolio
HPAHistorical Portfolio Analysis
BBATPerformance Attribution
LRSKLiquidity Risk
BRSKBloomberg Market Risk Platform
RSKFPortfolio Risk based on Factor
FSTAFund Style Analysis Model
HFAHistorical Fund Analysis

Listed below are the more commonly used functions within the Bloomberg Terminal. Bloomberg provides thousands of functions that can be accessed by utilizing the “Help” Key. Thanks goes to Richard Jakotowicz for compiling this list.

The red “CONN DEFAULT” Key = Located at the top right corner of the keyboard, the “CONN
DEFAULT” key allows you to login and logout of the system.

The green “HELP” Key = Located on the top left corner of the keyboard, the “HELP” key is the most used function in Bloomberg. It can be used 3 different ways:

  1. On any screen that you are viewing, hitting the HELP key will provide you with a manual
    describing all the analytics for that particular screen. Note that the help manuals are multiple
    pages so you need to use the PG FWD key to move forward.
  2. You can use the HELP key to do a search for any Security, Person, Government, Analytics,
    etc. Just type the word you want to know about then press the HELP key. Bloomberg will
    provide a directory of choices to help you refine the search results.
  3. If you hit the HELP key twice, an Instant Message Chat Box will appear and you can chat
    online with the Bloomberg Help Desk. They are available 24/7 to answer user questions

Overview Codes

Bloomberg Terminal Mac Download Windows 10

Bloomberg terminal mac download windows 10

The following codes can be entered followed by the <GO> or enter key. These
codes provide general screens from which more detailed analysis can be done by using the

How To Get Bloomberg Terminal

  • MAIN – Displays a list of broad categories in various markets
  • N, TOP – Real-time news
  • EASY – Tips and shortcuts
  • MSGM – Main messaging system
  • GLCO –Global commodity prices
  • NRG – Energy markets
  • CBQ – Country Directory
  • BTMM – Country rates, indexes, economic releases, and currency.
  • FXIP – Foreign exchange spot rates, forwards, options, and forecasts
  • FXC – Foreign exchange cross spot rates
  • ECO – Current economic releases by country
  • ECST – Current and historical economic statistics by country
  • STAT – Functions for global economic, financial, energy, and commodities
  • WEI, WEIF – World Equity Indexes and Futures
  • WB, WBF, WBI – Word Bond Yields and Futures
  • WPE – World Equity PE Ratios
  • IMAP – Global equity performance
  • IMOV – Index movers
  • MOST – Most active stocks
  • EMI – Exchange volumes
  • GRR or MRR – Group or Member ranked returns
  • IBQ – Industry Analysis
  • BBSA – Equity Analyst surveys
  • MA – Mergers and acquisitions
  • ECDR – Equity calendar, IPO’s
  • LEAG – Investment Bank Underwriter rankings
  • OECD – Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development
  • FED – Federal Reserve Portal
  • FFIP – Fed Funds Rate Probability
  • FOMC – Federal Open Market Committee results and minutes
  • BLAW – Legal Search
  • AV – Prerecorded and live broadcasts
  • WEAT – Weather reports and derivatives
  • RE – Real Estate
  • FUND – Mutual fund search
  • GRAB – Type “Grab” on any screen to email the screen as a jpeg file.
  • BU – Bloomberg University, Cheatsheets and Seminars
  • CERT – Certification Exams
  • PEOP, JOBS – People and Job Search
  • PDF – Personal defaults
  • BLP – Bloomberg Launchpad allows you to create a custom screen with a stock monitor
  • NW – To create a custom market monitor
  • ALRT – To have Bloomberg alert you of price movements.
  • EIU – The Economist Intelligence Unit
  • BBXL – To pull current and historical data into Excel
  • LAST – Allows you to see you the last 8 screens you visited

Common Equity Codes

Download Bloomberg Terminal Mac

These codes should be entered after typing: your stock symbol & F8

  • DES – Description (be sure to page forward for more data)
  • BQ – Quote screen with fundamental data
  • GP, GPO, GIP, GEG – Graphs
  • COMP – When viewing a graph, “COMP” allows you to compare returns against 2 other securities
  • G – to build custom graphs
  • CN – Company specific news
  • HP – Historical pricing and volume
  • HCPI – Historical open, high, low, and closing prices
  • DVD – Dividends
  • CACS – Corporate actions
  • ANR – Analyst recommendations
  • ERN – Earnings summary
  • EE – Earnings estimates
  • EM – Earnings matrix
  • BBEA – Earnings related news
  • CF – Corporate Filings
  • CRPR – Credit profile
  • ISSD – Capital structure, cash flow, and credit information
  • FA – Financial Analysis Templates
  • RELS – All securities / subsidiaries
  • HDS – All large shareholders
  • RV – Relative valuation against competition
  • OMON – Options
  • OVME – Black-Scholes Option Pricing
  • HIVG – Historical Implied Volatility
  • BETA – Beta calculator
  • CORR – Correlation calculator
  • MKAC – Market Makers (NASDAQ)
  • SIDE – Advertised buyers and sellers (Institutional)
  • SRCH – Bond Search
  • Common Fixed Income Codes
  • BBT – US Treasury Bills, Notes, Bonds, and TIPS
  • PX1 – Treasury actives
  • YCRV – Yield curves
  • CURV, FWCV – Forward curves
  • FMCI – Fair market curve indices
  • BYFC – Bond yield forecast
  • IRSM – Interest rate and credit derivatives
  • GCDS, WCDS, CDSD – Credit Default Swap Analysis
  • YA – Yield Analysis
  • YAS – Yield and spread analysis
  • OAS1 – Option adjusted spread calculator
  • DES – Description
  • RATC – Company credit rating revisions
  • DDIS – Debt distribution
  • ALLQ – Quotes for all providers
  • NIM – New issue bonds
  • PICK – Bloomberg bond picks
  • STGO – State Municipal Bond Ratings
  • MTAX – State Income Tax Rates
  • MYC – Compare Muni’s to Treasuries Tax Neutral